Pasta Salad with Cherry Tomatoes and Green Olivada

We are rapidly approaching the end of the summer.  It’s be a great one – lots of travel, lots of time spent with great friends, enjoying everything New York City has to offer.  But I must warn you that I’ve gone into detox mode.  Detox mode means eating healthy, spending more time at the gym,… Read More Pasta Salad with Cherry Tomatoes and Green Olivada

Fresh Tomato Sauce

In the words of Bon Appetit, “Bow down and pay your respects to the crown jewel of summer.” This is, as I see it, one of the greatest times of year.  Why?  Because it’s tomato season!  I love tomatoes.   Growing up, August meant getting the world’s best tomatoes from my grandfather’s vegetable garden.   Now, every year… Read More Fresh Tomato Sauce