Soupe au Pistou (Provençal Vegetable Soup with Pistou)

I got a lot of great feedback from my last post, Caramel Walnut Pie.  I again proved my earlier theory right: healthy stuff is boring, people would rather see the sweet stuff.  Well, I can’t make the sweet stuff every week, otherwise I’ll double in size.  So what do you eat after Caramel Walnut Pie? … Read More Soupe au Pistou (Provençal Vegetable Soup with Pistou)

Chicken Tortilla Soup (with homemade crispy tortillas!)

Another soup recipe? you may ask.  Hey, it’s been ridiculously cold here in NYC (with the exception of the past few days).  I’ve been counting down the days until my 7-day vacation in Costa Rica (1 week to go – whee!).  Plus, I saw this on the Pioneer Woman’s blog and I couldn’t not make it. … Read More Chicken Tortilla Soup (with homemade crispy tortillas!)

Pasta e Ceci (Pasta with Chickpeas)

Happy Groundhog Day!  It is icy, cold, and generally miserable in New York City today (and probably throughout much of the East Coast).  The mighty, all-powerful groundhog has predicted an early spring.  Seriously?  Since when can a groundhog see his shadow during an ice storm? Anyway, on my recent trip to Rome, my friend and I,… Read More Pasta e Ceci (Pasta with Chickpeas)