Squash on Toast

Portland – with its very rainy reputation – surprised me this weekend with lovely, mostly sunny weather which just begged to be take advantage of.  So there were long walks, workouts, dinners out, and brunch at Sweedeedee with some absolutely fabulous salted honey pie (seriously, I’m already researching recipes so I can recreate it in my… Read More Squash on Toast

Creamy Baked Rigatoni with Butternut Squash + Goat Cheese

October is my favorite month of the year.  It’s around this time that the Northeast air starts to get crisp, and the smell of simmering apple cider fills the narrow walkways of the Union Square Greenmarket.  On Saturday mornings, I walk through the market with a cup of warm cider, picking up apples, quince, various… Read More Creamy Baked Rigatoni with Butternut Squash + Goat Cheese